Corporate Charted Established on March 18, 1997
(First meeting was held some months earlier)
The Comstock Grizzlies is a gay men's social club for Bears and men who like Bears.
Meetings are on a monthly basis and will be held the third Saturday of every month,
unless otherwise noted, either at a member's house or at another publicized location.
Our goal is to provide a place where men can gather and enjoy each other's company.
Some of the events we plan include camp outs, dinner out, movie nights, picnics, and the like.
We are a Non-Profit Organization and continue to sponsor events to benefit and serve the Reno gay community.
(Click Link Above To See Them)
The Comstock Grizzlies have created, reviewed and approved a NEW set of Bylaws.
They were reviewed and accepted by majority vote on May 22, 2010
The bylaws were revised on 01/30/2011 to make a change and add an
item to cover Affiliated Clubs and Groups
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These pages are the property of the Comstock Grizzlies of Reno, NV
1997-2007 by the Comstock Grizzlies.
Last updated 12/27/24